2021 - 2022
Oculus Quest 2, willow branches, transducers, piezos microphones
Collaborators: Samuel Perea-Diaz and Vanta
Stretching Materialities, Hidden Activities in Objects and Spaces at Tieranatomisches Theater, Berlin
Philippstraße 13 (Campus Nord, Haus 3)
10115 Berlin
Antenna is a performative sound installation that centers on the custom-built “willowphone,” a wearable object and hack of the traditional VR headset that transposes the sound of the wearer's environment through two willow branches mounted to the headset. Audio from the willowphone is sent to transducers mounted to the front of the hacked headset and room speakers, reimagining how we engage with our environment. The project was made specifically for the lecture hall in the Tieranatomisches Theatre in Berlin, German. In the VR world, a larger-than-life willow tree fills the lecture hall.
Antennae was made in the Stretching Senses School, curated by Maxime Le Calvé, Yoonha Kim and Anne Delle for Object Space Agency of the Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity« of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.